Kawasaki KX100 / KX85 Maintenance, Oil Change, Carburetor Removal, Air Filter Clean, Coolant Flush

Kawasaki KX100 / KX85 Maintenance, Oil Change, Carburetor Removal, Air Filter Clean, Coolant Flush

Kawasaki KX100 / KX85 Maintenance, Oil Change, Carburetor Removal, Air Filter Clean, Coolant Flush

Kawasaki KX100 / Kawasaki KX85 Maintenance.

Kawasaki KX100 maintenance / Kawasaki KX85 maintenance videos.

We will be disassembling the carburetor and putting all the parts into the ultrasonic cleaner. Then we will reassemble it and install it back onto the bike. Also we will take out the airbox to give it the proper clean and oil up our cleaned air filter. Then we will flush the radiator coolant (antifreeze, anti-freeze) and bleed all the air from the system and hoses. We will also be assembling the rear fender, number plates, seat, radiator air shrouds, gas tank, air box, exhaust silencer & expansion chamber (head pipe), and carburetor.

Kawasaki KX100 / Kawasaki KX85 Maintenance Part 1
Kawasaki KX100 / Kawasaki KX85 Maintenance Part 2